Buckley Bones found in attic after 80 years

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Buckley Bones found in attic after 80 years

Postby Dave » Thu Mar 07, 2024 10:15 pm


I have probably gone 3 years without buying a machine, a month ago I bought the entire Tom Michael estate of machines and other stuff. I will post photos of that later.

Two weeks later I am contacted by a guy who was clearing out the house of his mother in law who recently passed away.

They found this in the attic and I was able to purchase it. The machine arrived today. They had no idea where she got it and the family did not know it was up there until they were clearing out the house. It almost ended up in the estate sale. I was fortunate that I knew someone in the area who could go pay them cash and pick it up and ship it to me. The whole deal was done over email. We never talked on the phone.

All the coins in it are from the 1940's and it has the original gold award tokens in it.

Of course, I coudn't resist to try and play it. Probably the first time in almost 80 years!. Well, it did play but stopped half way in the cycle. I have not had time to look and see what the problem was.

It has 80 years of attic dirt on it.
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Re: Buckley Bones found in attic after 80 years

Postby flyingfred » Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:36 pm

Congratulations on this great find!!

Posts: 49
Joined: Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:04 pm

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