Can anyone tell me why the piece of metal/part is on the lower left side of the bonus glass, it's not on all machines but some, it's that small round piece with that dimple.
This is the machine I have. I can't figure out the purpose of this piece other than to have something to do maybe with the BONUS letters? You can see by the picture it's perfectly machined, and I have found several other bonus machines with that same piece, when you look up Bonus Horsehead images. I tried to look up Sams analogy, but I could only find it in the Tool shed.
It's so perfectly machined that I can't figure what the use was for , unless it was used to prevent someone from tampering with the letters. If I didn't see 6 other machines with that exact piece I would have passed on buying it, the family member kinda got a little PO when I said it was a repair and she was adamant it's been in the family for ever and they got it that way. I believe her and will continue to see if I can get an answer. So ask around.
It is an anti cheat device! Look at where it is located and look where the coin entry is. If you understand how the mechanism works than you know that you could very easily fish a wire down to trip the bonus payout. It would be impossible to do this with the plate there on the inside. It’s not the plate on the outside of the machine that is painted yellow but the one inside.